
I've passed the 10,000 mark in my Gamerscore . This might not mean much to some people, but it's significant to me because up until about 2 months ago, i didn't really care what it was, but my score was hovering at about 9000 for far too long. the Wii was the reason for that, but now that the Nintendo drought is in full effect, I'm back on the Xbox saddle, and I've been playing Crackdown and Rainbow Six: Vegas for the last few nights. RS:V has a ridiculous achievement worth 30 Gamerpoints if you use the Xbox Live Vision camera to create a online avatar. It's not the best use of the Gamerscore system, but hey, i don't make games, just play them. For a real Gamerscore Whore, check this out.... [Update] I've just finished Crackdown. This is probably the fastest i've finished a game in a LOOOONG time, i just powerleveled through it and got 'er done. It's a great game, but the main complaints about it being not focused enough an...