goodbye, dear friend...

Halo 2 is the most played game ever. for me, anyways. on the eve of it's end, I've decided to plop down some thoughts on the game and what it's meant to me over the years. I still remember the day i bought my original xbox. i had ignored the launch, since i already had a PS2 and plenty of games to play on it. then i read the reviews for Halo. at the time, i was a pretty hardcore gamer, without a wife, mortgage, or car payment. i spent a shitload of money a week on games, and bought any game (and i mean ANY) that caught my interest. I subscribed to 4 or 5 videogame magazines, and read the few blogs and gaming sites obsessively. so when the reviews for Halo begin to come in, i decided to get a system. being a few days after launch, it was pretty hard, and i had driven to 3 or 4 stores before i pulled up to a target. inside the tv/dvd/game department i found a employee walking from the back room with a xbox, and asked him were they were. he replied " dude, we ar...