Final Fantasy XI

Wow. Last night I spent about 2 hours playing the FFXI beta on my Xbox 360, and I have to say, it was simultaneously the most frustrating 2 hrs. and the most exciting 1/2 hr I have put into my 360 so far. Because this game is TOUGH. No BS here, it throws you into a super-complex MMORPG with no tutorial, no idea were to go, and endless scrolling menus mapped to every button on the controller. After the first hour, I still didn't know enough to start the first quest, or how even get out of the city. Since the game does not support in-game chat, only keyboards, I was going nuts trying to type messages to other players until i remembered that you can have Private Chat channels to other players. After that, I got together with 3 other players, linked ourselves together, and started exploring....and it was pretty cool... the combat is slow and satisfying, and it really started to take off after a few minutes getting to know the other guys playing. Unfortunately, I don't think I can invest the time it takes to make it very far in this beta. Oh well.

Here is an overview of the game, by DigitalBackspin


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