American Mcgee gives props to Wii, says PS3 and Xbox 360 will kill each other.....
In an interview for Computer and Videogames, American Mcgee (developer of Alice and the forthcoming Bad Day L.A.) has declared the Wii as the winner of gamer's hearts in the next generation battles......
In an extensive and forthright interview which will be appearing exclusively on CVG tomorrow, McGee, who's currently in the throes of releasing Bad Day LA as well as working on movie projects Grimm and Oz, responded to our question about the prospects for the next generation race by saying, "The only truly next-gen console out there is the Wii. Everything else is just a video card and processor upgrade." When quizzed further, McGee told us he thought that Nintendo would be the true next-generation champion for gamers adding, " I sense that Nintendo is going to capture the hearts of gamers while Microsoft and Sony stab each other in the neck for market domination. Nintendo is focused on innovation and games. The other guys are focused on making money."
Well said, sir. My opinion on the Wii has gone from guarded 0ptimism, to fanboy glee to quiet confidence in the last few months. After I delivered the internets first screenshots of Red Steel, I really started seeing the direction and scope of Nintendo's approach. I just hope all this hype actually leads to something, and that other developers besides Nintendo's first party guys and Ubisoft come up with some compelling games......
*deep breaths...* Okay, I'm cool. I'm composed...
Nintendo have a shot at being as hot as they were back in the SNES days, they best not f**k this up!