Denver Wii party

Here is a SUPER detailed rundown on the events last night in Denver. Nightram56 was the wii ambassador, and his site's forum has the details covered.

from the post

I climbed the stairs and saw a huge gathering around Zelda. I knew that would happen. Still, every spot was packed. It was just fun because some people would pop by Zelda while waiting to play something else. Everyone was watching reactions to see how to play. I LOVED that. I love watching people play, especially at something new and fantastic. NES did this too. A lot of communicating, elbow rubbing, etc. I talked to get reactions, I talked to get thoughts, tips, etc.

I learn by watching and them mimmicking. It's very hard for me to pick something up cold turkey and be good at it. I learn very quickly mind you, but I just looked like a dufus at most of these games. I felt, FELT, how intuitive and easy to play it all would be though. This was especially noted in Zelda. I got into it easily while playing. Tyrone probably thought I was an idiot, but I was just testing, getting a feel. I was particularly interested in progression. I wanted to see it all and feel it all. Unprecedented exposure and escapism into the game world. Later I played more games and sucked those up too. Sure it will take some fine tuning to get stellar, but gamers will give ya crap any time ya suck, ya know?

Available games list:
2 Wii Sports (on all night, non changeable)
2 Zeldas
2 Excite Trucks
1 Trauma Center
1 Elebits
1 Rayman Raving Rabbids
1 Madden 2K7
1 Chicken Little
1 Marvel Alliance
1 Warioware Smooth Moves
1 Tony Hawk

More updates later on the same site.


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