Second Job to pay for games......
Yeah, so this is probably going to be the most cash-sucking week in a LOOOONG time for any gamers out there. Let's see....we got the PS3 and Wii launch, ( and all the games that come with that), the releases of Gears of War, Viva Pinata, and Guitar Hero 2, and some crappy RPG called Final Fantasy XXIXXIXIXIX or whatever. not to mention all the other games like Call of Duty 3, Tony Hawk's Project 8, Final Fantasy V Advance (GBA),Elite Beat Agents (DS),Lumines II (PSP),Every Extend Extra (PSP), and countless other crappy games.....oh, and let's not forget Contra this on XBLA this Wensday. thank god i already have Zelda: Twilight Princess and my Wii payed off.
( yeah, my Wii's paid for.....heh....)
As for all the other games, the only game I'm actually going to buy is Gears of War. the rest ( including Guitar Hero 2, sadly) will be trickling in courtesy of Gamefly. Oh well.....i really want a couch, so sacrifices must be made......
maybe I'll get another job......
I do hate on Sony a bit on my blog *rolls eyes*, but I will get a PS3 when then price goes WAY down and Final Fantasy XIII and Metal Gear solid 4 come out (which won't be for yonks anyway! Especially in the UK)
Wii fever is hitting me something bad.