wow....i'm going to ignore teh internets....

It seems like every website associated with videogames and Nintendo in particular is on a Wii post overload. Kotaku, Joystiq, GoNintendo, Destructoid, Gamespot, IGN, etc have all gotten their Wii systems, and are posting videos and pics like madmen. i for one, will ignore ALL of these sites for the next week, as seeing all this Wii porn is making me more and more anxious to get my system next sunday. Damn you, online videogame media!!!! DAMN YOU STRAIGHT TO HELL!!!!!!!!



Random J said…
Just be happy you get the Wii next week. I don't get it until December 8. So I'll have to keep leeching off of the "Wii porn" until it comes.
Random J said…
Where the heck did you find the picture of that baby!? *LOL!* Gotta love that pic. Alotta people who wanted PS3's in Japan have faces like that, I'm sure.

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