Obligatory year-end list.

I'm going to list my personal top 10 for 2006, with a special mention for other catagories. The only games that are qualified are games i've personally played, so if your favorite Yu-Gi-Oh game is not listed, it's because i try not to play crap games. ( although i DID play Perfect Dark Zero ) so without any delay, here we go.

10. Okami ( PS2)
9. Bully (PS2)
8. Wii Sports (Wii)
7. Call of Duty 3 (Xbox 360)
6. New Super Mario Bros. (DS)
5. Ghost Recon: Advance Warfighter (Xbox 360)
4. Prey (Xbox 360)
3. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Xbox 360)
2. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)
1. Gears of War (Xbox 360)

Best Online Multiplayer
Call of Duty 3

Best Graphics
Gears of War

Best Music
Oblivion, Gears of War (tie)

Best Xbox Live Arcade game
Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting

Fastest Trade-in
Perfect Dark Zero ( 3 days)

Best Swag
Free Wii and free DS Lite from Nintendo

Best use of the Wiimote
Rayman: Raving Rabbids

that's it.


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