OMG i need this

actually, i don't really need this, but i do know a few people who's FPS skillz need some work. FPSBrain is some kind of concoction that supposdly improves reaction speed, among other things....

from the offical FPS-Brain site...
1 FpsBrain is the only effective product with a 110% money-back guarantee. Clinical research and expert knowledge made it possible to develop an effective neural accelerator.

2 FpsBrain is active within the first 60 minutes after use and releases its active ingredients constantly for 6 hours maximum into the body.

3 Fps has been tested by experience computer players and results in a remarkable increase in perception and reaction capacities.

4 FpsBrain contains only ingredients that have been tested and are approved in Germany.

5 Unlike ordinary energizer FpsBrain has a sugar-free formulation.

6 All our staff use FpsBrain at least four times a week to enhance their mental performance and their work efficieny.

7 The production process of FpsBrain is permanently being controlled and climate-adjusted, certified according to ISO 9001. Our production and bottling facilities meet the standard of the latest developments in processing equipment available on the market. Computerized inspections ensure the high quality standards that we hold our products up to.

8 If our customers are not satisfied with FpsBrain, they will receive 100% of the retail price including a small 10%-gift with the first 60 days. This applies even if the entire content of the box has been consumed.

( Cyborgface, this will make the playing field against me even for you at last!!!!)



gil said…
take heed son, you are talking to a major grade two. all that stuff really is is Cyborgface sweat crystallized and crushed to a powder. drink up.

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