So i just got an email from the Wii tour host from Denver. His alias is Nightram56 and he gives a more detailed telling of how he was contacted by Nintendo, apparently by the same person who contacted me, Megan. He asked her the question that I probably should have asked, " what games will be playable?" Anyway, they can't tell me which games will be there, but Megan told me Mario Galaxy, Twilight Princess, Warioware Smooth Moves, and some others from E3 will be present. This is so far unconfirmed by any othe source, but I'll take her word for it. Check out his forum thread Here for more details of the Denver party..... I'll have alot more time to blog about this in a few weeks. If you haven't noticed, this blog is called Endangered Gamer for a reason. I'm getting married Sep 2, and the wedding plans are consuming most of my free time. Rest assured, I WILL post as much info as I can as soon as I get it, but most of the in-depth info will be revealed AFTER ...