Gears of War Multiplayer impressions

So i just got back from the Gears of War/Texas Chainsaw Massacre event here in chicago. The movie sucked ass, so i won't bore you with details on that. we waited for about 2 hrs outside the AMC theater in downtown, and were shuffled off to see the movie. after that tripe-filled poo fest, the REAL action began. after a 10 minute demo of the first level, we were set up by order of apperance and assigned to teams, the cog or horde. 4-on-4 multiplayer matches ( 3 rounds to win) took place on a map ( don't remember the name) with a series of low bridges and a shallow river in the middle. the games were elimination style, you lose, you go home. you win, you keep playing. (that's me on the left)

I felt immediatly comfortable with the control scheme, since the game controls eeriely like GRAW. LT to zoom, RT to fire, A to take cover and dive (hold A to combat run) y to zoom in on objectives (don't really recall using it in multiplayer) and x is context sensitive. (reload, swap wepons on the ground, and to do a Head Stomp kill....more on that later....) I did feel like the controls were too loose, kinda how some games are, the faster you move the reticule, the faster it moves. i was able to adjust in a round or too, so it wasn't a big deal. Switching weapons was done with the d-pad, and i didn't use the sholder buttons. B is melee attack, but aside from the Chainsaw-shotgun, didn't get much use.

Jaw-dropping. as i drove home, i kept trying to think how to describe the awesome visuals. it's a HUGE step above ANYTHING out there right now. IMHO, it even outshines the CG Final Fantasy flick. just beautiful...the shakey-cam when you run is also awesome.

the standard assault rifle, a pistol i didn't use, and the Shotgun-chainsaw all pale in comparison to the kick-ass bolt-bow. (not the official name) It's a bow that shoots explosive bolts. you hold the trigger to draw it , and the reticule slowly rises. relase the RT to fire. laugh as your enemy is blown to bloody chunks. the shotgun-chainsaw is also bloody-n-chunky, and got HUGE cheers whenever it was used.
the Grenade throwing should be familiar to anyone who's played Splinter Cell.

My team lasted pretty long, about 4 matches before we were eliminated. i got a GoW tshirt for my trouble, and a pretty sticker.

yeah. it was fucking awesome. this game just shot to the top of my must-play list.


J.M. said…
Hey, this is Jon from standing in line way too long. My team got screwed, we sit down and listen to the president of Epic ramble on then start playing for 30 seconds and the round ends in a draw. Then the next two rounds also end in draws with one person left standing on either team. Then we were moved away from the consoles. I was dissapointed in that sense but I'm still looking forward to the game.
Anonymous said…
that sucks, dude. you should have gotten a tshirt anyways.....

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