Xbox Premium for 299!?!?!?!?!?!

 has the drop on the best sale of the year, for anyone who hasn't already bought a Xbox 360. a $100 rebate!!! yep, it's good for the premium or the regular( hard-drive-less) version. if you can find a Microcenter store, get to it NOW!!!!!!!

I mean, get there TOMORROW!!!


Kev Hav said…
This starts Wednesday 11/15. My buddy and I both got Microcenters ads in the mail last week that adcvertised this sale. He went and bought it only to find out the rebate didnt start till 11/15. he has to go back tomorrow and get it adjusted.
Random J said…
There just isn't a game on the 360 that makes me want to rush out and buy one...
Anonymous said…
you must be living under a rock....Gears of War, G.R.A.W., Call of Duty 2 and 3, Phantasy Star, Geometry Wars, Halo, etc. etc.....

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