Venom revealed

New photos have surfaced of Spider Man 3's second villan, Venom. he looks kind of shitty, but there's no CGI yet, so i'll let it slide....for now......


Anonymous said…
You wanna see the final version of Venom, just see the stills of comcast final trailer.

My comment about the Raimi-Venom, just as seen at final trailer

I think the Raimi-Venom is a great deception for all that Venom fans. It seems Sam Raimi had an accurate perception about what thing Venom should be for Spiderman Universe. Unfortunately, in its very own creativity, Sam eliminated all the symbolisms that many drawers, despite small changes, knew to preserve.

GREAT WHITE LOGO IN CHEST. Contrast between white and black means danger, “be careful”, poisson. Just look at the nature, any bug with this color pattern is saying “hey, buddy. Stay away”. Instead, Raimi-Venom has a tiny grey spider, barely visible.

GREAT TEETH ALWAYS EXPOSED. This means aggression and violence at extreme and permanent. Is not Venom this, always?. Instead, Raimi-Venom has a couple of big lips covering mostly time tiny teeth. Just look at the production photos. I hope he is smiling or yawning all the movie, that’s will be the only way to see that teeth.

HEIGHT. Size matters. It means power and implicit domination. Instead, Raimi-Venom is almost a dwarf.

GREAT TONGUE. Sadism and cruelty, they are basic in Venom’s personality. If it has, Raimi-Venom doesn’t shows anything like that.

After this, any doubt that Raimi-Venom is a great deception?
Anonymous said…
Oh my god. Do you even READ comics?? Have you ever read anything regarding Venom?

1. First and foremost, "poisson"? What is he a fish? Use spell check.

2. Next, a little grey spider? You care about that? Really?

3. Venom is not in a 1-800-DENTIST commercial. Who cares about his teeth?

4. This isn't a porno. Keep the tongue inside.

5. If you don't want to see my movie, then don't go see it.



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